Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Woman's Day

Here it is again, the day we celebrate God's most unique creation, the woman. I think many men have the same first question on their list of what to ask God, "What were you thinking?!" Yet as we all know, you can't live with them but we most definitely can't and wouldn't want to live without them. Although we term this day "Mother's Day" I want to go about it from a different angle and call today, Woman's Day.

My mother will always have a unique place in my heart.  After all, she is the reason I am here. My mom always did what she thought was best for me and for that I am eternally grateful. Mother's have a job that requires more of them than any occupation on this planet, they nurture, they protect, they serve, they don't sleep, and they do it all as if it were no big deal.

I have been a father for 9 months now and I have seen an amazing example of what a mother's job looks like as I watch Emily basically workout all day picking up after, feeding, bathing, entertaining, and educating two little boys. I honestly cannot do the things she does, I am just not geared for it. She is amazing and God knew exactly when to give her our little miracles. This will be the first Mother's Day Emily can truly say she is a mother. This may be true but it doesn't take away the years when Mother's Day was the worst day of the year. We will rejoice on this day but also we will hurt for those of you who are still longing to be mothers. What an awkward day it is if you have experienced infertility. It seems like everywhere you turn, women are being congratulated for being able to have babies. I remember going to church by myself because Emily couldn't stand to be there when the pastor asked all the mothers to stand. I remember feeling the same way on Father's Day. I felt like the pastor said, "Any man who is successful stand, all other men who are not stay seated."  This idea sounds ridiculous to some of you who have never been there, but for those who have and are, you understand. This year I have thought alot about our feelings toward this day we label "Mother's Day" and have a newfound outlook.

We all have had a mother, at least for a second. Some people have had great mothers, some don't even know their biological mom. So is it the actual mother that should be the key focus of today or should it be how women make our world such a great place to live regardless of their title? Here is my point:

1) Women are God's most beautiful creation. He created them just for men. The earth was perfect when it was just Adam and Eve. Whether you are a mother or not, you are part of that beautiful creation.

2) Women complete men. God said that it was not good for man to be alone, so He created woman. He didn't create her as a mother initially, He created her as a woman and she was perfect. Whether you have kids now, will have kids later, or never have kids God created you perfectly as you were.

3) Women have a plan determined by God. The bible says we all have a plan. You don't have to be a mother to have a purpose. God's ulitmate plan is to bring us back to Him, you are part of that plan regardless of your season of life.

4) Today should be about celebrating life. The ultimate giver of life is God. He gives us our families regardless of how they are formed. Adoption, foster parents, half-brothers, relatives by marriage, there are many different ways to form a family and God is responsible for them all.  So today I want to celebrate the women who hold our families together. Whether you are a mom, daughter-in-law, wife, sister, friend or a just a daughter, thank you for what you do.  The qualities of a mother are in you all and God's plan looks different for everyone. You are His most perfect beautiful creation and today I celebrate you.  What a mess we men would make of this world if it weren't for you!