Our Story

 Emily and I were married in July of 2006.  We dated for a few years prior and had known each other since junior high school.  One thing that always attracted me to Emily was her family.  From the first time that I was around them I could tell they were special people and that Emily had a strong support system behind her.  As we dated, we discussed the kinds of things that were important to us, and of course family was always discussed.  I was raised the son of a preacher (take that however you may).  One thing I can say is that the solid foundation built on Christ which my parents laid for me gave me a place to land no matter how far away from it I tried to run.  My family is the biggest blessing that God has given me.  There is nothing like having that group of people to surround, support, and encourage you no matter what phase of life you are in.  I am so thankful now that Emily is part of my family and I am equally a part of hers. 

  Once we were married, we moved to Auburn, Alabama, as I finished up my Master's Degree.  We then moved out to Kansas City for a couple of years while I chased the dream of working in professional football.  We didn't have alot of money and didn't see any place for children yet, but those were some of the best years of our lives.  While celebrating our anniversary one year, we decided to make a move, for Emily this time.  I took a job that would allow her to get her Master's degree and follow her dream of teaching.  Once we had lived in Nashville about a year ,we decided that this would be a great place to start a family and so we planned it all out.  We decided to plan the pregnancy so that the baby was due in the summer while we were both able to get away from work easily.  That is where our story really begins...

  We are currently 3 years into trying to start a family.  We have tried 3 IUI treatments, Emily has had laparoscopic surgery to treat her endometriosis and we have both gone through tests that previously the thought of used to make me laugh.  Lots of time, money, prayers, anticipation, happy thoughts, tears, yelling, and most of all WAITING has happened, but now our doctor has recommended that we undergo IVF treatment before October of 2012. 

  God has been faithful to us throughout and ALWAYS supplies our needs.  He has revealed things to each of us that we never may have known otherwise.  We continually pray for his guidance and provision and believe that He is calling us to trust Him and remain faithful.  Our desire is still to have our own children and although it isn't going how we would've liked for it to, no one has told us that pregnancy is not an option.  IVF is not guaranteed to work but we believe with God all things are possible and are going to trust Him in this situation until He leads us to do something different. 

  We do need help however.  The total cost of IVF ranges from $10,00 to well over $20,000.  We don't want to ask anyone for handouts but simply want to get our story out to anyone who might feel led to help us.  One of the most exciting thoughts that I have had is being able to tell a child that they were able to be born because of the kindness and genorousity of so many people.  If you want any more information on our story or have a story of your own, please contact us. 

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